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FileSeek is an easy-to-use file search app with advanced capabilities, but even basic searches require configuration. This guide showcases the two most common scenarios for searching and the options you should enable to make them work.
Open FileSeek and click on the "Advanced" tab.
Enable the following checkboxes:
  • Search sub-folders
  • Show file names that match the "include files" filter
  • Show folder names that match the "include files" filter
Advanced Tab
Click on the "Search" tab.
Click "Browse" next to the Path(s) field, and choose the folder that you want to search. You can also search network shares by entering their UNC paths, like this:
In the Include Files field, enter the text you want to search for in the file/folder names. For example, if you want to search for all files and folders with "logo" in the name, enter the following:
. Leave the Query field empty.
Search Tab
Click the Search button. Results will show in the bottom pane.
Open FileSeek and click on the "Advanced" tab.
Enable the following checkboxes:
  • Search sub-folders
  • Process file contents using File Handlers
  • Show file names that match the "include files" filter
  • Show folder names that match the "include files" filter
Advanced Tab
Click on the "Search" tab.
Click "Browse" next to the Path(s) field, and choose the folder that you want to search.
In the Include Files field, you can specify which file types should be searched. For example, if you want to search in the contents of PDF, text, and Word documents, enter the following:
In the Query field, enter the text you want to search for. For example, to find all files with "checkcentral" in the contents of the file, just enter
. The Query box uses our custom text query syntax, which allows the use of operators to include and exclude words.
Search Tab
Click the Search button. Results will show in the bottom pane.
Note: If you see results that say there's no file handler for the file, you will need to install a third-party file handler/iFilter for that file type. We have a list of common ones here: File Handlers for FileSeek.
Jan 31, 2020 (modified Aug 15, 2022)  • #1
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