2 discussion posts
Using Fileseek, I searched my computer (not email) for a file containing an email address in the form person@domain.com. The results were bizarre, and none contained the email address. Does "@" do something? How can I search for an email address in a file (like .doc, .rtf, etc.)?
2 discussion posts
Thank you. I am pretty shocked since .doc documents are among the major files I have. What about .rtf and .htm files?
.HTM files are plain text, so FileSeek will have no problem with them. .RTF files have a lot of "control characters" in them, but your text will still be visible as plain text, so FileSeek will work fine with them as well. .DOC files however are notoriously difficult to parse, and are not even close to plain text. As a result FileSeek can't read them.