I continue to be a supremely happy user of FileSeek. Since I find it invaluable most every day, I have a couple of suggestions to make it more so:
Add an Include/Exclude History - I constantly search for a couple of file patterns, for example: *.sql|*.prc and *.vb. It would be fantastic if Include/Exclude fields were comboboxes that remembered the last 10 patterns. (Heck, while you're at it, make all the textboxes remember their last 10 contents.)
Better Current File display - In deep folder trees, the Current File field looks unchanging because it shows only the first N characters of the filepath. Instead, it would be great if you would split long paths and display something like "C:\somefolder\somelongpath...morepath\thefile.ext" which would show continuous progress better. Perhaps, hovering over the field would pop-up the full path. Also, if you moved the Current File field below the Path field and indented it, you could omit the common base part of the path entirely.