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Fran Cho
3 discussion posts
Hello, first time user here, is it possible to search directories for files by extension, full or partial filename only? Thanks in advance.
May 15, 2011  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Yep! You can use asterisks (the * character) as a wildcard to match partial names. If you don't put in any asterisks, then it will search for an exact match.

Please let me know if you need any further clarification.

May 16, 2011  • #2
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Fran Cho
3 discussion posts
Specifically how about finding files by type, let's say I want to locate all video files (wmv, flv, swf, etc.) only inside a large directory full with all types, if I type the extension it is not returning anything at all.
May 22, 2011  • #3
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
You should be able to search for file extensions by entering *.ext into the "Include Files" text box.

Alternatively, you can enable the "Treat all Include Files filters as wildcards" option on the Search tab of the FileSeek settings. This would allow you to just type in part of the file name or extension without using the *'s.

May 23, 2011  • #4
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Fran Cho
3 discussion posts
Sorry I was missing the * and leaving spaces when searching multiple items when matching full string [*flv | wmv] instead of [*flv|*wmv] that did found all the items I was looking for.

I do not see the "wildcards" option you are describing, there is no Search tab settings and do not see any other settings than the selectors into the interface.
May 23, 2011  • #5
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Good stuff! The option I mentioned in the previous post is in the Tools > Settings menu. I've attached screenshots for clarification.

• Attachment: FileSeek Search Options.jpg [89,543 bytes]
FileSeek Search Options.jpg
FileSeek Search Options.jpg
• Attachment: FileSeek Tools Menu.jpg [13,734 bytes]
FileSeek Tools Menu.jpg
FileSeek Tools Menu.jpg
May 23, 2011  • #6
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