2 discussion posts
is it possible to find only files which contain all given keywords? As I understand it, the query
Rome London Paris
works as Google would if I put the query in double quotes. It would find files with the exact phrase "Rome London Paris", but not files with "I went to Rome, then London, then Paris".
If I need to find all files with the words "Rome", "London" and "Paris", could I use FileSeek to do that? If I knew the order in which the words appear, I could probably do a RegEx search with the * wildcard in between the words, but what if I don't know if "Rome" or "London" comes first and if there are any other words between them?
One more thing. Is possible to not just exclude files from the search, but also keywords from the search query? For example, if I want to find files that contain "Rome" but NOT "Dublin", is there any way to enter such a query?
Thank you!
2 discussion posts
Thanks, but what I meant was if there is a way to find only files that contain all keywords, not just some of them. For example,
finds files with Rome OR London OR Paris, but I would like to find only files containing Rome AND London AND Paris. Is that possible?
This will be possible in the upcoming 1.9.2 release. Would you be interested in testing this new release to make sure it works as you would expect it to? Thanks!